
Can we transform healthcare by supercharging UM Nurses?

A Utilization Management Nurse (UM Nurse) working for a Payor conducts nearly 100 case reviews per week. Anterior’s co-pilot enables UM Nurses to complete reviews much faster by offloading the administrative work in this process to a LLM pipeline.

The LLM pipeline takes a medical record PDF and extracts evidence from the document using a set of instructions to guide what needs to be found. The output from the LLM pipeline is then displayed to the UM Nurse on a web-based Dashboard for review. The outcome of a review is typically “Met” or “Not Met” based on the evidence found in the medical record.


Your assignment is to (1) develop a full-stack feature that simulates a co-pilot experience for Prior Authorisation and (2) showcase the feature you developed.

To start, fork and clone the starter repository (cohelm/product-engineer-starter) and complete the 3 tasks below. We have also included a bonus feature.

Assessment criteria

You will be assessed on: